

Dr. Li

Professor in Ohio, U.S.A

“I’m located in Ohio, U.S.A., currently a faculty teaching at a public university. I came to the United States to study in STEM field since 2002, and obtained my PhD, then did research as a postdoctoral researcher and then I got a faculty position to run my own research lab and teach college students. Before I join Yi Nuo’s workshop, I did not have much confidence in myself or my career development because I feel like that I am still an outsider in my current workspace even though I lived in the U.S. for 20 years now. In June, I joined the first workshop and that truly made my eyes open for the world I live in, and empowered me to think mindfully about my life, and about my current career. Yi Nuo’s workshop has touched me so much because she provided a very unique angle integrating her own experience working in both U.S. and China, which helped me to see the potential of myself as an Asian American woman. After the first few meetings, I learned so much about the universe, the history, the outer environment of me, and the inner peace of me. The workshop has guided me through tough time of my job in this summer. I can clearly see my own personal growth, change on how I manage my thoughts, attitudes, and ideas I encounter, and changes in my mindsets on how to interact and communicate with others at work and for my career development. Also, I cherish the supporting community built from all the participants of the workshop. I have participated other life coaching workshops before, but none of them made such dramatic changes in my thinking as this workshop provided. Now even when this workshop has ended, I still think about the inspiring words Yi Nuo said in the class. I absolutely recommend this workshop to anyone who is looking for a good space for enhancing the inner peace of yourself and seeking freedom of your soul! ”


Senior executive in the international company in Shanghai

“I’ve been following Yinuo’s WeChat account from Day 1 and it’s been a wonderful journey over the past nine years. I’m a mother of two young daughters, with 20 years of working experiences in multinational companies. Now I’m a senior executive in the cosmetics industry, based in Shanghai. Fully trusting Yinuo’s capability and always longing for more personal understanding and touch with Yinuo, I attended both Level I and Level 2 workshops. Level 1 was mind-opening for me in the sense that Yinuo had done such a great job of connecting Eastern and Western histories, sociologies, philosophies, to workplace cultures and behaviors. It went far beyond the normal “training”, to “doing, having and being” (Lesson 1 from the workshop), to reach the inner self of us and encourage in-depth self-awareness and changes. Level 2 was one step further to spirituality, where Yinuo shared her personal pursuit on the greater meaning of life and the larger being. This was not a workshop per se, but a new starting point, to be clearer and more conscious of ourselves and the things and people around. Meanwhile, I also enjoyed the exchanges and companionships of the member community which Yinuo created via these workshops. I’m grateful of what has happened and a big thank you to Yinuo for creating all these.”



我是踩着截止日期线,报名了一诺第一期北美工作坊。在美国职场工作将近六年,所在领域是数据科学和市场营销的交界。在这六年的时间,完成了从战战兢兢的职场新人, 到略有资历、带着小队伍的一线经理的转变。接下来的道路应该怎么走?这是一个时常萦绕在我脑海里的问题。在这个问题的背后,有一个我所认同的职场“天花板“,和自己亚裔女性的身份有关。带着这个问题,我想去一诺的北美工作坊里寻找答案,因为一诺在我眼里就是那位突破了“天花板“的人物。工作坊的内容和我预期的不太一样,但现在看来那才是我最需要的。用一诺的话说,但凡能在这个工作坊里得到松松土、浇浇水、吹吹风的功效就非常好了。如果说很多工作相关的工作坊讲的是术的层面,一诺的工作坊更偏向于道的层面。没有太多的技巧,但却可以从根本上去开始改变一个人,从而自己自然而然运生出所谓的技巧,颇有四两拨千斤之感。



Lyn Yang

Managing Director at one of the Big Four accounting firms, Atlanta, USA

 To be honest, when I first saw the flyer of Yinuo’s workshop, I had some hesitation in joining it or not. I came to the United States about thirty years ago, got my Ph.D. in economics, climbed the corporate ladder in the Big Four world and became a managing director, and have a loving and supportive family. What do I want to learn and what can I learn from the workshop?

After some soul searching, I came to realize that despite of my outside labels, life is difficult and full of challenges, inside and outside. I have a desire to find a path to liberate my heart and achieve freedom and joy in every moment of life. As a mentor of many people at work and in life, I also want to be equipped with tools to help more people in their journey of seeking liberation and freedom. I thought I would give the workshop a try and joined it.

Yinuo’s workshop definitely exceeded my expectations. I read many books about seeking inner peace and joy, while they are helpful, I felt I was still walking on a dark road with little light. Yinuo’s workshop connected the dots and inspired the sparkles. Yinuo not only shows us how to look at the universe, the world, and human life from new lenses and truly acknowledge and appreciate “Life is a miracle”, but also teaches us practical ways (e.g., meditation, awareness diary, connecting with nature and world, etc.) to accept, face, and solve problems in daily life and let it go. I also learned the path to liberation is surrendering to life, which does not mean passively accepting everything in life, but means letting go the moment that bothers us and focusing on doing our best on the things we are doing in the moment, whether it is working, eating, sleeping, exercising, and caring for others. Through practicing surrendering and living in the moment, I start to feel liberation and joy, even when life is difficult.

While achieving liberation and freedom is a lifelong journey and inevitably there will be ups and downs, I do believe Yinuo’s worship provided us a powerful pathway to get us on the road!”






Be permitted! Be fascinated!日复一日生活表面上波澜不惊,而内里的每一个时刻,都流淌着充满了生命之流的指引。让我们欣欣然顺应其间,放下以往的模式,经由命运之流的导引,去回应我们灵魂的召唤。


IT Tech Manager,南京

” 加入工作坊后我收获的第一个宝藏是放下,当我们有很多欲望执念无法放下的时候,你其实是被欲望和执念裹挟,完全没有办法动。印象很深的一个场景是是有一天我去医院拿核磁共振的片子,片子很多张,我的手里又拿了手机,肩上背着包,片子怎么也装不进袋子里面去,最后散落一地。我当时突然想起课上说的放下,就把包手机都放到了地上,安稳的捡起了片子装进了袋子里,这时候脑子里面闪过一句话,放下得自由。



第四个宝藏是通过工作坊建立起来的这个场。这里有科学家,有企业高管,有大学教授,有祖国边境默默做着贡献的文笔细腻内心丰富的公职人员,也有全职妈妈及各行业的从业人员。在这个神奇的场域里你会发现大家的底层都是一样的。我跟身边朋友聊起工作坊,说到黄金五分钟。她很好奇的问我一个问题,是什么能让一群陌生人这么安全放心敞开内心去深入的沟通。这个问题我想了好久,最后我想起Ke Huang说的一句话能很好的回答这个问题:“在这里大家会inspire each other,but not compare or compete with each other。当挪除杂念,恐惧,评判后,生命之泉涌动,会发现你有无限的可能,人人都可以成为艺术家,黄金5分钟的绘画,让我发现自己原来可以画画,每天察觉日记和心流写作让我发现原来我也可以写作,今天早上闭眼倾听Ke Huang弹的钢琴曲,脑海里闪现出落日余晖的海边,穿着长裙的美丽姑娘在银色的沙滩起舞,自己也随着音乐舒展舞动,那瞬间的快乐无法用言语形容。


Dr. S

Tech lead and engineering manager , Silicon Valley, U.S.A

“Attending Yinuo’s immersive career workshop is the best investment I have done for myself in years.

I currently work at a high tech company as a tech lead and engineering manager, after 2 promotions in the last 7 years at the same company. My journey is typical of an engineering background Chinese who immigrated to the United States: came here for a PhD degree in 2006, got a job in Silicon Valley after graduation in 2010, and switched jobs from a networking company to a startup and then landed a dream job at the No. 1 Search engine company. When I saw the announcement of the first workshop, I was encountering a choice on whether to stay in my current position and to further climb the ladder or to switch to a new environment and reboot the career. I was also questioning my identity as a Chinese immigrant in the US and the roles I played at my kids schooling and community service. The workshop grabbed my attention immediately as it was trying to establish a much deeper connection between career growth and self-realization. The content design was uniquely Yinuo’s. Nothing like any other workshops as it is focused on the most important thing first, being. Yinuo has the magic of creating a psychologically safe environment and building trust among all the participants. You get to participate not only by listening, but also by contributing to the community building via the activities and self-organization (e.g., book clubs, mental health club) that last after the workshop was completed. The guest speakers are earnest, approachable and spoke to the innermost need of the class. My mind became very peaceful and I got the capacity to deal with my anxiousness to promotions and changes and to stabilize myself on a solid ground based on who I am. You are not going to regret the time and effort on this workshop.”


我是体制内一个默默无闻的基层小公务员。今天诺言社区工作人员问我“要不要写个#一诺工作坊#的反馈? 我说:“好”。







Jin Chang

an undergraduate student at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON

 I first felt shocked that most people enrolled in this workshop are professionals, and to some extent, they are already very established in their careers. “Is this workshop too advanced for me?” I was concerned. After the whole workshop, my answer is no. Fundamentally, either a student or a professional, the problems they are solving might differ, but the mind when they faced up to challenges could be the same. Yinuo also gave a very warm welcome to me as a student joining in this workshop.

A great essence of this workshop is that it gave me something eternal. Since methodologies always change. Every two years, the whole market gives twenties and thirties a new cycle of anxieties. It seems that you are going to lose if you don’t get to know that new system of knowledge. I benefit from these books, but these methodologies never actually let me think about myself from the bottom of my heart. Who am I? Why do I react to my life in this way? What is the world? Where am I in this long history? What is my culture identity? … I thought these kinds of questions were meaningless. At the end of the day, these kinds of questions never have endings. It is definitely not worthy than nailing something down. But now I realized my “answers” towards these questions have been affecting my life all the way. It is just that I did not realize that ignorance is also one of the “answers”. The answers to these questions affect my belief, my belief then affects my thoughts, my thoughts affect my reactions and my emotions, and finally reactions connect me with the world. I started to realize how belief and mind make a significant difference in life.

Can I live a totally different life, getting rid of the past? Yinuo leads us to ask this question again and again. It leads us to find the obstacles in our mind. Some obstacles might come from traumas that one might never think about. After detecting the traumas, one can very easily be trapped and victimized. But life is about a show that must go on. How do I find a journey that only fits for me? How is human civilization giving me hints? How do I find peace and happiness? A weird joke for the ending: it is yours to discover.”

Huijun (Judy) Suo

Tech,San Francisco Bay Area, California

Before joining the workshop, I was struggling with my self image, particularly in the workplace. I saw myself as a tiny snail, who was climbing a giant Pyramid, the top of which held success, which is often perceived as power (e.g., CEO), possession (e.g., bank account), or pleasure (e.g., fancy vacations).

After joining Yinuo’s workshop, my professional identity is transformed by having a different picture: I am a tree rooted in compassion and wisdom, and reach out to the sky with my unique shape and color. Deep into the soil, my roots are intertwined with others roots. When the storms come, we hold each other underneath the soil. Together, we find strengths to preserve.

While I might be an ordinary person according to the popular definition of success, I began to see myself as a hero, a hero who is willing to step out and explore a less traveled road, less motivated by success, but more by a higher calling.

On this journey, I began to shift attention from outer success to inner growth, from pursuing “higher, faster, stronger” to seeking “deeper, broader, slower and together”. I began to focus more on “being”, rather than “doing” and “having”.

All the walls that I used to face began to become signs that led me to discover a whole new world, a world with greater depth, width and length that was beyond my imagination. ”

Vanessa Hu

Product Designer in Meta ,San Francisco Bay Area, California

I am a product designer at meta. Four years ago, I came to the Bay Area, leaving behind my ‘stable life’ in Beijing, transitioning my career from a PR to design with zero experience. Dedicating to what I’ve been passionate about made me feel incredibly fulfilled. However, I’ve been hunted by these pain points – How do I stay confident as I used to be at work? How do I identify myself? How do I deeply connect with people around me? I got all these problems resolved in Yinuo’s workshop. Therefore, joining this workshop is my best decision of the year, and I believe it will profoundly influence the rest of my life. Yinuo has always been a successful professional woman in the eyes of the general public. Apart from that, she’s also a life mentor with noble morals and wisdom(POV). The workshop explores a systemic way of re-establishing our mindsets and strategies, which is applicable to career and personal life. Each session comes with a couple of exercises in observation and reflection. Equally precious is this community is full of people with shared values, where I found a sense of spiritual belonging. In just a few months, I found more ease and satisfaction in all aspects of life. The magic is waiting for you to unfold!


a senior software manager at a Fortune500 company

I was stuck in my career, as a middle manager ofa software company ,when I came upon Yinuo’s talk with an Intel VP, to promote her workshop. Having read many inspiring articles from 奴隶社会 . I admire Yinuo, who, as a leader with same Chinese female background, had climbed to the top of a corporate ladder. So I signed up for the workshop. The experience was eye opening. I was looking for tricks of the trade, yet gained much more…. The workshop provides a framework for integrating into American society, it covers US immigrant history emotional intelligence, and adolescent maturing journey in a systematic way. In addition, the wisdom from the invited speakers and the inspiring exchanges with fellow members, make the whole experience both educational and memorable. I highly recommend the workshop!


UX researcher , Sinapore

I went for Yinuo’s workshop because I felt stuck at my current role. I had working as a UX researcher for 2.5 years. Once a proud researcher, I felt that I couldn’t be as creative as I wished, and also felt somewhat powerless in a big organization. During her workshop, Yinuo shared wisdom that challenged my precious thinking – everyone is inherently powerful and has all the resources one need. We are feeling stuck because we have a lot of internal barriers to remove. But it is hard to change – because we often don’t notice the internal barriers. The workshop provides a safe space for us to be mindful – everyone joining it becomes a part of an online community for constant observations and feedback. From the workshop, I realized that me feeling stuck at my current role because I was afraid to speak up and bring my creative power to the table. Since then, I spoke up little by little. Raised my hand for activities that I would previously not even notice. My taking initiative changed everything. I felt much happier and gained confidence by getting positive feedback from others. It was not the job that I had to change, but me who needed to do things differently. The greatest take away is that we create our own destinies. Feeling empowered to change sets me on a different life trajectory. It may just be what you need to make that change you want to be!


Professor , Boston, U.S.A

“The gift of nothing”

Back in May this year, amidst all the hustle-and-bustle during the graduation season, I finally had some time to keep my head above the water and to reflect on what and how to situate myself in this world, when my partner told me about Yinuo’s workshop. I was curious. I signed up right away and was happily “hooked” since then. This is the best gift I gave myself and let me tell you about my journey.

I was born in the 80’s in Shanghai. I grew up between Anhui, where my parents spent majority of their best years during and after cultural revolution, and their hometown Shanghai. I went to Fudan for medical school and then came to the US for PhD 16 years ago. Now I am a cognitive neuroscientist and faculty member in a university located in Boston, directing a developmental psychology lab studying language, social cognition, learning, and memory. Besides my work, I wear many hats like everyone else: a mom, a wife, a daughter, and a friend to my favorite people. Same as every first-generation immigrant, I struggle to find peace in between the two cultures and two countries.

I was a workaholic academic. I was always on the run. On the surface, I was doing okay, or even more than okay. I quote a kind senior colleague at my annual review meeting: “you are doing too much”. But my work during the past year was no longer motivated by my curiosity. Rather, it was driven by the urge to prove myself, to impress my new colleagues, and to “establish” myself at the new workspace. The long working hours into the late nights and weekends did not lead to satisfyingly creative scholarly work. Instead, my mind was dull and distracted all the time. All I saw is the daunting unknown and undone. I knew I was supposed to plan and look at the big picture, but I was too absorbed by my day-to-day mundane pain.

I was a people pleaser. This was my biggest strength and weakness. I am sensitive to others’ intention, preference, wants, and needs. When I have a capable mind, I can put my compassion into mending and volunteering. But when I am overwhelmed, these traits become my enemy. I could not say no, I lost control of my calendar, and I ran around trying to meet my promises. My mind was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I was so anxious about disappointing others that I had little time listening to my own mind or sparing time for self-care.

I was an exhausted and often unhappy parent. I have a three-year-old girl, who is an energetic and fun character! She is a blessing and the joy of my life. But I was constantly living in guilt, because I have been too busy planning and preparing, worrying and self-criticizing. I love hanging out with her, but also dreaded those times at the same time, because I found it energy draining to set boundaries, to constantly react to her needs, and most of the times, naturally, she cannot be reasoned…

I had a dystopian view of the world. I was angry towards the mess in the world, even obsessed with negative news. But the more I read, the less motivated I felt. It was the learned helplessness all around.

I also have lost my superpower: lucid dream. Since I was a child, I was often aware of my dream and could sometimes control my dream like in the movie Inception. I learned the best strategy to escape from a nightmare: I would first give in and then consciously take a backseat in the dream. When I succeeded, I could see the terror dispersed and I regained the control of my dream. However, as I grow older, lucid dreams visited me less frequently…

Three months after I started taking the journey with Yinuo and all the other friends in the workshop, I have been able to do all the following with less effort:

● taking active control of self-care.

● saying no with confidence, and importantly, with compassion.

● accepting changes and adjusting plans.

● becoming a patient listener.

● staying informed but optimistic about this world.

● searching for spaces where I can make meaningful contributions.

I also see the world around me differently. I noticed that:

● working can be a constant joy, as long as there is an on/off button.

● everyone is a child deep inside and learning takes place at its own pace.

● conflicts are different view points from people who are more similar to than different from each other.

● the only certain thing in this world is uncertainty. You cannot control uncertainty, but you can control your feeling of insecurity.

● the world is still a mess. But human civilization has been making steady progress.

Most dramatic of all, my lucid dreams came back to me! I surprisingly realized that the kind of “superpower” I mastered in my dreamland is the same meta-cognition ability Yinuo’s workshop teaches us to heal our waking mind and to understand the real world.

This new image of myself is not a stranger. Instead she reminded me many role models who I had the fortune to know. This past Monday was Jewish Rosh Hashana. Years ago, when I still shared an office with a dear friend of mine, she would remind me to take a walk in the middle of the day to reflect and to think on this day. She would spend time working on her art project no matter how busy she was as a neurologist. I admire her and we were close friends. But I also felt foreign to her spirituality experience. At that time, I mixed memory retrieval with reflection. Now I felt even more connected to her though we live in different countries and have not seen each other in years.

You might say this all sounds great! But maybe your life is just easier during this time. Maybe you just have more time doing soul cleansing. Or maybe this is a cycle. You will be destined to go back to who you were.

I think this has been my journey towards greater clarity and there is no way back. But to prevent myself from slipping back to who I was, I added a control experiment and “schemed” to involve my partner on this journey. He is, in many ways, the opposite version of me already. His brain is wired differently. He did not have imposter syndrome to start with. He accepts himself and the choices he makes. He seldom feels anxious or afraid. He gets things done and switches quickly between tasks without wasting much mental energy ruminating or worrying. But I think all of this is out of habits. He, too, needs more clarity, so that compassion, not efficiency, is engrained into his habits. He actively participated in the second workshop as one of the few male members, while I was watching happily from the sideline. I can see the gradual change his confident mind is going through. From my observation, he is now a better listener with more patience, more curiosity, and, more interesting ideas to share. As this is not a treatment study but simply an observation, it is possible that we are growing in tandem and Yinuo’s workshop serves as a facilitator rather than the only driving force. But I think there are similar changes happening to him, even though they are not explicit.

In August, on the day my 3yo left her daycare classroom, she brought each of her little friend a lotus seed as goodbye presents. The lotus seed is just the package for the real present inside: nothing. She learned from a story that nothing has the greatest power in the world because the circle of the life is originated from the space inside of the seed. She immediately fell in love with this story and insisted sending nothing as the present. Similarly, I think what Yinuo’s workshop gifts us is truly invisible but powerful.

Here, please accept my gift of nothing!

Dr. F

Professor, Minnesota, U.S.A

A Journey to Liberation

I (Hairong) live in Minnesota. I am a professor and have been teaching in a university in Minnesota for 16 years. Currently, I also serve as associate department head. I have been going through an amazing journey with Yinuo’s workshop since May 2022. The workshop provides insightful perspectives about culture, history, work, life, internal state of a person, and more. Professional development workshops are often designed to teach participants theories, knowledges, and skills about career development from top-down. Often, participants may feel anxious about learning some useful ideas and tools. Nevertheless, Yinuo designs her workshop as a space for true personal growth with sincere respect for each individual member. Yinuo opens her workshop with this empowering statement: “You have all you need to live a wildly successful life.” She also emphasizes that a participant plays a leading role during the workshop, and she serves as a “mirror.” She sets time for participants to share their own life stories. She accepts each member without judgement. All these made me feel respected as an individual person rather than being a student. Yinuo also brings her abundant personal experiences, knowledge, insights, wisdom, love, compassion, and incredible guest speakers to us. Most importantly, she is able to communicate these qualities in a natural, vivid, and warm demeanor. She is candid, kind, patient, and willing to share her experiences and insightful thoughts. The positive messages communicated,

and supportive atmosphere built in the workshop are incomparable and invaluable.

I have reflected on how this workshop specifically influences me. Over many years, I have attended four universities in China and in the U.S. College education does provide essential training which helped make me who I am today. However, there are unresolved questions: why do I constantly feel confused about my cultural identities as a Chinese immigrant living in the U.S.? Before the pandemic, I travelled back to China each year and encountered some significant challenges: I thought I was still part of the relations, but unfortunately, I was not. This makes me

feel confused and lost. In recent years, I have been struggling with my cultural identity confusion, feeling like “a cultural other” in both cultures, sometimes, feeling upset and uncertain. I have been trying to understand the confusion and to figure out solutions to the confusion. I read books about intercultural identities, attended Chinese American Conventions with the hope to know how other Chinese immigrants in the U.S. live their life, and read traditional Chinese philosophical books such as 《道德经》 and 《论语》. Then, I came across Yinuo’s book《力量从 哪里来》in April 2022, and I felt strong resonation with the powerful and insightful writings in her book. Yinuo integrates her experiences in Chinese and American culture with rare depth and insights. I realize that I have been looking for such a figure in my life. I had “aha” moments while reading the book.

Soon after, Yinuo offers her North American Career Development Workshop which fundamentally changed my perceptions. At the external level, the well- organized workshop provides unique perspectives of American and Chinese culture and history which helped me understand my cultural identity confusion. Most importantly, the workshop provides specific solutions to overcome these confusions, such as civic engagement, community involvement, and contribution. At the internal level, the workshop helps me understand the importance of building success within. Most of the stress, anxiety, and problems I had experienced were coming from internal blockages that I was not even aware about. The five “why” tools allowed me to go deeper about my inner fears. Awareness meditation allowed me to be mindful and live in the present and let go of the past; subsequently, I have observed pleasant changes in classrooms, meetings with colleagues, and community involvement. This is a journey to liberation.