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给世界公民的入门课- 北美留学生工作坊


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北美留学生工作坊: 一诺设计并带领的北美留学生8周工作坊

工作坊时间: 10.16-12.11


  • 北美留学生
  • 北美留学准备生
  • 毕业1-3年的北美职场人


  • 了解北美校园生活的真实生存法则
  • 认识北美职场招聘真相,学习成功上岸经验和避坑指南
  • 看清北美发展中正之路,重新扎根、成长
  • 拓展北美优质人脉,打造未来发展支持体系


0课 留学为了什么想要什么

  • 留学为了什么
  • 我们想要什么

第一课 从头理解美国

  • 大家似乎对美国很熟悉,但真的这样吗?
  • 美国的历史是怎样的,这历史,和现在看到的美国社会是什么关系?
  • 美国历史和作为外来者的我们是什么关系?

第二课 理解美国高等教育

  • 美国高校文化的底层逻辑是什么?
  • 美国高校的社团文化是什么?
  • 在美国高校最需要培养的核心能力是什么?


  • 如何做就业前的职场规划
  • 迈入社会前的准备
  • 北美职场文化通识

第四课 理解美国职场文化

  • 真实的美国职场文化是怎样的?
  • 如何理解种族问题?
  • 如何面对文化冲击?

第五课 异地重构自我

  • 开启自我认知之路
  • 我是谁,我最大的恐惧是什么,为什么?
  • 谁在支配我的生活和我的选择?

第六课 建立自己的支持体系

  • 理解美国的社区文化
  • 构建自己的支持网络
  • 从接受者到给予者

第七课 从客场主场

  • 从异乡人到留下来
  • 从留下来到发展好


From understanding to participating

From stuck outside to leading the way

A pathway to becoming a citizen of the world

North American Overseas Students’ Workshop

An 8-week workshop designed and led by Yinuo for overseas students in North America

Workshop Time: 2023 Oct 16th -Dec 11th

For who?

  • Current overseas students in North America
  • Prospective overseas students in North America
  • Those working in North America with work experience under 3 years

What can you gain?

  • Understand real survival rules for North American campus life
  • Discover the truth of work recruitment, how to avoid common pitfalls and learn how to get offers successfully
  • Develop a clear view of North American development pathways, from root to tip
  • Expand top talent resources in North America, and establish a support system for future progress

Module One Yinuo’s Teaching

  • Lesson Zero Studying overseas: for what purpose?
    • Why study overseas?
    • What do we want to gain?
  • Lesson One Understanding North America from basic concepts
    • We may believe we are familiar with North America, but is that true?
    • What is North American History like? What is the relationship between history and the current North American Society?
    • What is the relationship between history and us, as outsiders?
  • Lesson Two Understanding North American Higher Education
    • What is the fundamental logic underlying the North American College Culture?
    • What is the culture of societies in North American colleges?
    • What are the most important core competencies to develop at North American colleges?
  • Lesson Three Prepare to transition from College to Society
    • Creating career plans prior to employment
    • Preparing to enter society
    • General Knowledge of North American workplace culture
  • Lesson Four Understanding North American workplace culture
    • What is the real North American workplace culture?
    • How to understand cultural workplace issues
    • How to cope with culture shock
  • Lesson Five Reconstruct yourself in a foreign country
    • Start to know yourself
    • Who am I, what is my biggest fear, and why?
    • Who is dominating my life and my choices?
  • Lesson Six Establish a support system for yourself
    • Understand the culture of North American society
    • Build your own support network
    • From taking to giving
  • Lesson Seven From “feeling excluded” to ”feeling at home”
    • From outsider to insider
    • From settling to thriving

Module Two Guest speakers

  • Julie Lythcott-Haims

Renowned educator in the USA

Former Provost of Freshman Studies at Stanford University

Writer, speaker, B.A. in American Studies from Stanford University, M.F.A. from California

School of the Arts, J.D., Harvard Law School; student advisor for more than a decade, winner of Stanford’s highest teaching award.

Advisor for more than a decade, received Stanford’s highest teaching award, the Dinkelspiel Award.


作家,演讲者,斯坦福大学美国研究学士,加州艺术学院文学硕士,哈佛大学法学院法学博士;本科生顾问十多年,获得了斯坦福大学最高教学奖丁克斯皮尔奖(Dinkelspiel Award)

  •  Charles Abelmann

Well-known educator in the United States

Former Headmaster of the University of Chicago Laboratory School

Ph.D. in Education from Harvard University, leadership coach, documentary director, previously worked at the World Bank, office director of several educational organizations.



  • 严飞 Fei Yan




Sociologist, Visiting Scholar at Harvard University

Fellow of Harvard-Yenching Institute

Associate Professor of Sociology at Tsinghua University, co-founder of “Different Social Observations”. Main research fields include historical sociology, political sociology, and sociology of transition.

  • 万晓峰 Xiaofeng Wan

美国阿默斯特学院录取办公室 国际招生录取主任


Amherst College Admissions Office Director of International Admissions

Graduated from China Foreign Affairs College with a Bachelor’s Degree in English; Boston University Master’s degree in Higher Education Administration.

Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Higher Education from Boston University. Translated the best-selling book Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College.

  • 周 濂 Zhou Lian




Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholar

B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy, Peking University; Ph. D of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Director of the Department of Foreign Philosophy, Renmin University of China

Director of the Department of Foreign Philosophy of Renmin University of China, Outstanding Young Scholar of Renmin University of China, successively serving as a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford, and Visiting Scholar at Harvard-Yenching.

Special Guests 特别嘉宾

  • 圆方 Yuanfang

清华大学计算机系毕业,软件工程师,甲骨文Bitmap Indexing 等专利拥有者。女儿MIT本科、斯坦福博士在读:儿子就读布朗大学,是花样滑冰美国国家队运动员,两届冬奥会选手和很多世界大赛奖牌获得者

Graduated from the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, software engineer, Oracle. Patent owner of Bitmap Indexing and other patents. Her daughter has a bachelor’s degree from MIT and a PhD from Stanford, and her son, studying at Brown University, is a figure skater on the U.S. National Team, a two-time Winter Olympian and a winner of many World Championships.


Module Three Teaching Assistants 助教天团

  • Kate Ju




Project Leader of M&A merger in Silicon Valley

Former Big 4 auditor

Undergraduate Accounting Program

  • Danting




Wall Street investment manager

Nearly ten years in the investment industry

Graduated from Wharton School

  • 李沛航 Li Peihang





Retail tech行业增长营销

MA in Economic and Social History, University of Cambridge

Political Economy Program, University of California, Berkeley

Gabrielle Galloni Panorama International Prize for Young People’s Literature

Master of Integrated Marketing, Northwestern University

Retail tech industry growth marketing

  • 番茄






U.S. Government Attorney

Graduated from Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

Worked as a senior executive in a foreign bank in China

Licensed to practice law in China and the United States

  • Xiaodan





Robotics Learning R&D Manager

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois

Former Chairman of Tsinghua Alumni Association of Boston

Director of Tsinghua Alumni Association of Boston and Tsinghua Alumni Association of North America

  • Hongmei





Associate Professor, Central Ohio State University

Ph.D., Purdue University; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and North Carolina State University

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and North Carolina State University.

Focuses on the genetics underlying honeybee behaviors

  • Shijie





Macroeconomic Analyst, Development Forecasting Office, World Bank

B.S. in Agricultural Economics and Management, Renmin University of China

M.S. in Economics, Vanderbilt University, USA

M.S. in Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

  • 刘周岩 Zhouyan Liu






Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, Yale University

Graduated from the Chinese Department of Peking University

Former chief reporter of Sanlian Life Weekly

Master of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley

Top High School Teacher in the U.S.A.

  • 陈文 Chen Wen



Special Education Teacher

Graduated from University of San Diego

  • Hairong




Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Communication, University of Minnesota

Ph.D. in Communication Studies, Purdue University

Research interests include interpersonal and cross-cultural communication.

  • Zhenghan






Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Communication Disorders and Sciences, Northeastern University

Basic Medicine, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University

PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research on cognitive neuroscience and child language development


Module Four Workshop atmosphere and community

  • Workshops classmates connect with each other
  • An online deep-linking community across geographies and industries

Workshop price

  • Early bird price $3999 per person (original price $4199)
  • Group of three discounted price $3599 per person (original price $3799)

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  • 工作坊北美同学录,找到彼此,互相链接
  • 跨地域和行业的线上深度链接社区


  • 单人早鸟价 $3999 (原价$4199)
  • 三人拼团价 $3599 (原价$3799)
